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【化员工物学 & SFBC 系列报告会】Evolution of ADC by Design: A journey of protein medicinal chemistry using an expanded genetic code

作者:管理员     来源:本站     发布日期:2014-05-06
报告人:Dr. Feng Tian, Head, Ambrx China
时间:  2014年4月10日(周四),上午10:00


【Abstract】Since Paul Ehrlich first envisioned the ‘magic bullet’ over a hundred years ago, technologies essential to ADC development have evolved - from polyclonal murine antibodies to fully human monoclonal antibodies; from non-specific conjugation toward site specific conjugation. Ambrx is using its proprietary Protein Medicinal ChemistryTM platform to create novel site-specific combinations of antibody, linker, and drug, to optimize the therapeutic potential of ADCs. Furthermore, we are using an innovative business model - partnering with Zhejiang Medicines Co. and Wuxi - to develop our first clinical candidate in China. This presentation will provide a summary of our experiences in the evolution of Ambrx technology and business practices. 

【CV】 Dr. Feng Tian, Head, Ambrx China, 

Before assuming the role of Head, Ambrx China, Dr. Tian was the Director of EuCODETM Technology at Ambrx where he has held increasing role of responsibilities since 2004. His main innovations and contributions at Ambrx include the establishment of Ambrx’s ADC and EuCODETM (Non-natural amino acid incorporation in mammalian cell) technology platforms, the initiation of Ambrx “Switch” vaccine platform, improvement in ReCODETM (Non-natural amino acid incorporation in bacteria) technology platform, protein conjugation chemistry and most recently, leadership of Ambrx’s China Strategy. Prior to joining Ambrx, Dr. Tian conducted his postdoctoral study in the Schultz group at The Scripps Research Institute where his work involved catalytic antibody, non-natural amino acid incorporation and biosensor. Dr. Tian received his Ph. D. in Chemistry from the University of Florida with his dissertation in the field of physical organic chemistry and his B. S. in Chemistry from Peking University. 
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