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永利集团纳米科技论坛系列报告之114讲——Materials Innovation for Better Living - Some Progresses in Carbon Nanomaterials

报告题目:Materials Innovation for Better Living - Some Progresses in Carbon Nanomaterials

报  告 人:  Jiaxing Huang  教授
         Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Northwestern University

地      点:永利集团化学院A717报告厅

时      间:2018年08月30日(星期四) 上午 10:30 

主   请  人:张锦 教授

摘  要: 
Two recent progresses about carbon nanomaterials will be discussed. The first example advocates viewing graphene-based materials as black pigment. In many engineering applications, such as for transparent conductors, antistatics coatings or polymer composites, the black color of graphene is usually not desirable. However, using graphene as black pigment turns this compromise into a significant advantage. One area that can benefit greatly from this very humble property of graphene (i.e., black color) is hair dye. Using graphene for hair dye not only avoids the complex chemical reaction/diffusion processes involving toxic, small molecular ingredients in the current hair dyes, but also renders new properties of hair for enhanced comfort, such as antistatic performance and improved heat dissipation. Thus graphene based hair dye represents a material solution to a very challenging chemistry problem. The second example is a recent discovery that makes unfunctionalized carbon nanotubes nearly as processable as common plastics, by using a group of phenolic solvents. The new strategy turns powders of carbon nanotube into new polymer solution-like states such as dilution dispersion, thick paste, self-standing gel and a playdough-like material, all of which can be conveniently processed by current material processing techniques to generate desirable structures, form factors and composites. 


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