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永利集团前沿交叉学科研究院 工程师 






2006 - 2008 ,博士后,清华大学材料系

2006 ,理学博士,中国科学技术大学

2001 ,理学学士,曲阜师范大学化学院




  1.   LM Zhang, L Zhou, MM Yang, ZR Liu, Q Xie*, HL Peng* and ZF Liu*. Photo-induced Free Radical Modification of Graphene, Small2013, 9, 1134.
  2.  YF Nie, LM Zhang, D Wu, YB Chen, GM Zhang, Q Xie* and ZF Liu*. Photocatalytic Engineering of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes: From Metal-to-Semiconductor Conversion to Cutting and Patterning, Small 2013, 9, 1336.
  3.   XW Yang, HL Peng*, Q Xie*, Y Zhou, ZF Liu *, Clean and Efficient Transfer of CVD-grown Graphene by Electrochemical Etching of Metal Substrate, J. Electroanal. Chem. 2013, 688, 243-248.
  4.  LM Zhang, JW Yu, MM Yang, Q Xie, HL Peng*, ZF Liu*. Janus graphene from asymmetric two-dimensional chemistry, Nature Commun. 2013, 4, 1443 .
  5.  L Zhou, LS Zhou, MM Yang, D Wu, L Liao, K Yan, Q Xie, ZR Liu, HL Peng* and ZF Liu*. Free Radical Reactions in Two Dimensions: A Case Study on Photochlorination of Graphene, Small2013, 9, 1388.
  6.  L Liao, ZH Song, Y Zhou, H Wang, Q. Xie, HL Peng* and ZF Liu*. Photoinduced Methylation of Graphene, Small 2013, 9, 1348.
  7.  MM Yang, RQ Zhao, JY Wang, LM Zhang, Q Xie, ZF Liu, ZR Liu, Bandgap opening in Janus-tupe mosaic graphene, J. Appl. Phys.2013, 113, 084313
  8.  LM Zhang, S Diao, YF Nie, K Yan, N Liu, BY Dai, Q Xie, A Reina, J Kong, ZF Liu*, Photocatalytic patterning and modification of graphene, J Am. Chem. Soc. 2011, 133(008), 2706-2713.
  9. 周琳张黎明廖磊杨明媚谢芹彭海琳刘志荣刘忠范*, 石墨烯的光化学修饰方法化学学报 2014, 72(3), 289-300.
  10. Q Xie , J Zhou*, L Kang, Q Zhao, B Li, YH Wang, RL Zong, and XG Huang “ Preparation of Optically Anisotropic Nanocomposites with Oriented Gold Nanorods Embedded in Poly (vinyl alcohol)” Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology , 2010,10(3),1829-1833.
  11. Q Xie , YT Qian*, SY Zhang, SQ Fu, WC Yu ‘A Hydrothermal Reduction Route for Single-crystalline Hexagonal Cobalt Nanowires Synthesis Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2006 , 2454-2459.
  12. Q Xie , Z Dai, WW Huang, W Zhang, DK Ma, and YT Qian* ‘Large-scale Synthesis and Growth Mechanism of Single Crystalline Se Nanobelts Cryst. Growth & Design 2006, 6, 1514-1547.
  13. Q Xie, JW Liu, JB Liang, WC Yu and YT Qian * ‘Synthesis and Growth Mechanism of Selenium Nanowire Bundles via a Polymer-controlled Chemical Route J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 2006, 6, 857-862.
  14.  Q Xie , Z Dai, WW Huang, JB Liang, CL Jiang and YT Qian * ‘Synthesis of Ferromagnetic Single-crystalline Cobalt Nanobelts via a Surfactant-assisted Hydrothermal Reduction Process Nanotechnol. 200516, 2958-2962.

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