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Prof. Jiao Yang, along with postdoctoral fellow Zhang Yulin and undergraduate student Li Zesheng, traveled to Qingdao to attend the 33rd Annual Academic Conference of the Chinese Chemical Society.

  From June 17th to 20th, 2023, Prof. Jiao Yang, along with postdoctoral fellow Zhang Yulin and undergraduate student Li Zesheng , attended the 33rd Annual Academic Conference of the Chinese Chemical Society held in Qingdao. During the conference, Prof. Jiao gave an oral presentation titled “Electron-Catalyzed Molecular Recognition: A New Strategy for Controllable Assembly” at the symposium on Supramolecular Assembly and Soft Matter Materials. Zhang Yulin  and Li Zesheng,, based on their interests, chose to attend academic presentations in fields such as organic catalysis, photooxidation-reduction catalysis, supramolecular chemistry, and free radical chemistry.


Prof. Jiao Yang(Middle)and Dr. Zhang Yulin(Right)、Li Zesheng(Left)