∙ 蛋白质工程,蛋白质特异标记,蛋白质药物化学;
∙ 临床感染性病菌与人体免疫系统相互作用的机理研究;
∙ 面向生物活体内的化学反应与技术;
∙ 基于蛋白质的金属离子及有机小分子生物传感器的开发与应用;
2014 RSC Chem Soc Rev Emerging Investigator Lectureship
2014 CAPA Biomatik Distinguished Faculty Award
2013 第十三届中国青年科技奖
2013 中组部青年拔尖人才
2012 中国化学会青年化学奖
2012 国家杰出青年科学基金
2012 SCOPUS Young Scholar, Elsevier.
2011 药明康德生命化学研究奖
2011 永利集团“挑战杯”科技竞赛优秀指导教师
2007 Elizabeth R. Norton Prize, The University of Chicago.
2005 Society of Cosmetic Chemists Award.
2004 Burroughs Wellcome Fellowship, Burroughs Wellcome Fund.
- Li J, Yu J, Zhao J, Wang J, Zheng S, Lin S, Chen L, Yang M, Jia S, Zhang X, Chen P*. “Palladium-triggered Deprotection Chemistry for Protein Activation in Living Cells”, Nat. Chem. 2014, 6, 352-61.
[Highlighted by Nature Chemical Biology, Nature Methods]
- Yang M, Li J, Chen P*.”Transition Metal Mediated Biocompatible Protein Chemistry in Living Cells”. Chem. Soc. Rev. 2014. DOI:10.1039/C4CS00117F (Emerging Investigators Special Issue).
- Hao Z, Lou H, Zhu R, Zhu J, Zhang D, Zhao B, Zeng S, Chen X, Chan J, He C* and Chen P*. “The multiple antibiotic resistance regulator MarR is a copper sensor in Escherichia coli” Nat. Chem. Biol., 2014, 10, 21-8.
[Highlighted by (RSC) Chemistry World, Nature China]
- Zheng S, Zhang G, Li J, Chen P*. “Monitoring Endocytic Trafficking of Anthrax Lethal Factor by Precise and Quantitative Protein Labeling”. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2014, DOI: 10.1002/anie.201403945.
- Li J, Lin S, Wang J, Jia S, Yang M, Zhang X, Hao Z and Chen P* “Ligand-free Palladium-mediated Site-specific Protein Labeling inside Gram-negative Bacterial Pathogens”. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013, 135, 7330-8.
- Lin S, Yan H, Li L, Yang M, Peng B, Chen S, Li W* and Chen P*, “Site-specific Engineering of Chemical Functionalities on the Surface of Live Hepatitis D Virus” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2013, 52, 13970-4.
- Zhao J, Lin S, Huang Y, Zhao J*, Chen P*. Mechanism-Based Design of a Photoactivatable Firefly Luciferase”. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013, 135, 7410-3.
- Yang, M.; Song, Y.; Zhang, M.; Lin, S.; Hao, Z.; Liang,Y.; Zhang, D. and Chen, P*. “Converting a solvatochromic fluorophore into a protein-based pH indicator for extreme acidity” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2012, 51, 7674-9.
- Lin, S.; Zhang, Z.; Xu, H.; Li, L.; Chen, S.; Li, J.; Hao,Z.; Chen, P*. “Site-specific incorporation of photocrosslinker and bioorthogonal amino acids into enteric bacterial pathogens”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2011, 133, 20581-7.
- Zhang M, Lin S, Song X, Liu J, Fu Y, Fu X, Chang Z*, and Chen, P*. “A genetically incorporated crosslinker reveals chaperone cooperation in acid resistance”, Nat. Chem. Biol, 2011, 7, 671-7. [Reported by “News Coverage” on Chem. & Eng. News,and highlighted by Nature Asia-Pacific]
- 蒋华良,陈拥军,陈鹏,张礼和主编,《化员工物学学科前沿与展望》,科学出版社, 2013, ISBN: 978-7-03-037949-8。
- 刘磊, 陈鹏, 赵劲,何川; 《化员工物学基础》, 科学出版社, 2010, ISBN: 978-7-03-028767-0。