
盖锋(Feng Gai)





  • 2021.12 – 至今 永利集团讲席教授,77779193永利集团
  • 2014.7 – 2021.10 Edmund J. and Louise W. Kahn Term Professor,宾夕法尼亚大学化学系
  • 1999.8 – 2021.10 助理教授,副教授,教授,宾夕法尼亚大学化学系
  • 1997.6 – 1999.7 博士后,洛斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室
  • 1994.10 – 1997.5 博士后,哈佛大学化学系
  • 1989.7 – 1994.9 博士,爱荷华州立大学化学系
  • 1986.8 – 1989.6 讲师,清华大学化学系
  • 1983.9 – 1986.6 硕士,永利集团化学系
  • 1979.9 – 1983.6 学士,永利集团化学系


  1. 发展基于非天然氨基酸的光谱探针;
  2. 发展基于能量或电子转移的分子尺;
  3. 研究各种环境条件对生物分子的折叠、聚集、反应、和动力学的影响;
  4. 用非天然氨基酸调控生物化学反应;
  5. 发展基于散射的多维振动光谱技术;
  6. 发展基于化学反应的成像技术。


  • Bayer Endowed Chair, Bayer-PKU Center for Translational Research (2021)
  • Peking University Chair Professor (2021)
  • Molecular Science Frontier Lecture Professorship, Institute of Chemistry, CAS (2016)
  • American Chemical Society Philadelphia Section Award (2014)
  • Alumni Excellence Award, Department of Chemistry, Iowa State University (2014)
  • Edmund J. and Louise W. Kahn Term Professor of Chemistry, UPenn (2014)
  • Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (2012)
  • Fellow of the American Physical Society (2011)
  • National Science Foundation CAREER Award (2001)
  • Research Innovation Award, Research Corporation (2000)
  • Director’s Postdoctoral Fellowship, Los Alamos National Lab (1997)
  • Zaffarano Prize for Graduate Student Research, Iowa State University (1994)
  • Henry Gilman Fellowship, Department of Chemistry, Iowa State University (1993)
  • Phillips Fellowship, Department of Chemistry, Iowa State University (1992)

代表性论文:(Perspective and Review)

  1. Tryptophan as a template for development of visible fluorescent amino acids. A. Acharyya, W. K. Zhang, and F. Gai. J. Phys. Chem. B 2021 125, 5458–5465.
  2. Infrared and fluorescence assessment of protein dynamics: From folding to function. B. Ding, M. R. Hilaire, and F. Gai. J. Phys. Chem. B 2016 120, 5103−5113.
  3. Biomolecular crowding arising from small molecules, molecular constraints, surface packing, and nano-confinement.  M. R. Hilaire, R. M. Abaskharon, and F. Gai.  J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2015 6, 2546−2553.
  4. Site-specific infrared probes of proteins.  J. Q. Ma, I. M. Pazos, W. K. Zhang, R. M. Culik, and F. Gai.  Annu. Rev. Phys. Chem. 2015 66, 357–77.
  5. Spectroscopic studies of protein folding:  Linear and nonlinear methods.  A. L. Serrano, M. M. Waegele, and F. Gai. Prot. Sci. 2012 21, 157-170.
  6. Site-specific spectroscopic reporters of the local electric field, hydration, structure, and dynamics of biomolecules.  M. M. Waegele, R. M. Culik, and F. Gai. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2011 2, 2598–2609.


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