


永利集团 77779193永利集团

Email: chongbin_at_pku.edu.cn
English Version













1. Xiaohui Wang,# Bin Chong,# Zhaoxi Sun, Hao Ruan, Yingguang Yang, Pengbo Song, and Zhirong Liu. More is simpler: decomposition of ligand-binding affinity for proteins being disordered. Protein Sci. 31 (7), e4375 (2022).(# Contributed Equally.)

2. Bin Chong, Yingguang Yang, Zi-Le Wang, Han Xing, and Zhirong Liu. Reinforcement learning to boost molecular docking upon protein conformational ensemble. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 23 (11), 6800-6806 (2021). (媒体报导:AI助力无序蛋白药物虚拟筛选,多臂老虎机再显神通

3. Bin Chong, Yingguang Yang, Chenguang Zhou, Qiaojing Huang, and Zhirong Liu. Ensemble-based thermodynamics of the fuzzy binding between intrinsically disordered proteins and small-molecule ligands. J. Chem. Inf. Model. 60 (10), 4967-4974 (2020).

4. Bin Chong, Maodong Li, Tong Li, Miao Yu, Yugang Zhang, and Zhirong Liu. Conservation of potentially druggable cavities in intrinsically disordered proteins. ACS Omega 3 (11), 15643-15652 (2018).

5. Miao Yu, Xiaomin Ma, Huaiqing Cao, Bin Chong, Luhua Lai, and Zhirong Liu. Singular value decomposition for the correlation of atomic fluctuations with arbitrary angle. Proteins: Struct. Funct. Bioinform. 86 (10), 1075-1087 (2018).

6. Yufeng Wei, Zhan-Chao Hu, Bin Chong, Jingyu Xu. The Rayleigh-Benard convection in near-critical fluids: Influences of the specific heat ratio. Numer. Heat Transfer A 74 (1), 931-947 (2018).

7. Jen-Hung Tseng, Yen-Chih Liao, Bin Chong and Shih-wei Liao. Governance on the drug supply chain via Gcoin blockchain. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 15, 1055/1-8 (2018).


8. Yang Wang, Dongliang Yu, Bin Chong, Dongdong Li, Ye Song, Shaoyu Zhang and Xufei Zhu. Simulation and separation of anodizing current-time curves, morphology evolution of TiO2 nanotubes anodized at various temperatures. J. Electrochem. Soc. 161 (14), H891-H895 (2014).

9. Bin Chong, Dongliang Yu, Rong Jin, Yang Wang, Dongdong Li, Mingqi Gao and Xufei Zhu. Theoretical derivation of anodizing current and comparison between fitted curves and measured curves under different conditions. Nanotechnol. 26 (14), 145603/1-14 (2015).

10. Bin Chong, Dongliang Yu, Mingqi Gao, Haowen Fan, Chunyan Yang, Weihua Ma, Shaoyu Zhang and Xufei Zhu. Formation mechanism of gaps and ribs around anodic TiO2 nanotubes and method to avoid formation of ribs. J. Electrochem. Soc. 162 (4), H244-H250 (2015).

11. Hongyan Lu, Haowen Fan, Rong Jin, Bin Chong, Xiaoping Shen, Shuo Yan and Xufei Zhu. Formation and morphology evolution of anodic TiO2 nanotubes under negative pressure. Electrochim. Acta 215, 380-387 (2016).



1. 崇滨,刘志荣。天然无序蛋白中空腔特点的研究. Poster. 2016年世界生命科学大会, 北京, 2016年11月1-3日.

2. 崇滨,刘志荣。Drug design for intrinsically disordered proteins based on statistical thermodynamics. Poster. 中国化学会第31届学术年会,杭州,2018年5月5-8日。

3. Bin Chong, Zhirong Liu. Rational drug design strategy for intrinsically disordered proteins. Poster. Joint Annual Meeting of 71st JSCB &19th PSSJ, Kobe, Japan, 2019.6.24-26.




2. 永利集团创新创业学院第八届创业大赛第一名(2018年)。

3. 李惠荣奖学金(2019年)。

4. 永利集团优秀科研奖(2019年)。

5. 李惠荣奖学金(2020年)。

6. 永利集团优秀科研奖(2020年)。

7. 博大格林奖(2020年)。

8. 永利集团2021年优秀毕业生。


