Junwei He (under20)

Junwei He

Physical Chemistry, Peking University
Under. 2020, in the group as an Undergraduate during 2022.5-2024.7.
Later to UCLA for further graduate study.
Research Area: 2D materials with Dirac Cones
Email:  2000011737_at_pku.edu.cn



2020.9-2024.7, B. Sc. in Chemistry, College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, Peking University

2023.7-9, visiting student, Rice University

2024.8-*, graduate student in UCLA



1. Junwei He and Zhirong Liu.  Dirac cones in bipartite square-octagon lattice: A theoretical approach. J. Chem. Phys. 159 (4), 044713/1-16 (2023).



Stay tuned.



1. President's fund for undergraduate scientific research. Band structure, strain effect, and mobility  of two-dimensional t-BN sheet with tetragonal symmetry.



1. Qinjin Scholarship (2021)

2. Award for Academic Excellents (2022)

3. National Scholarship for undergraduate students, Ministry of Eduation of the People's Republic of China (2023).



ACG, Food, Music.