[AWARDS] Lu Jianhua Won National Graduate Student Scholarship and the ChemStar Contest of CCME

Sept. 2022
Our 5th year student Lu Jianhua was awarded the prestigious 2022 ChemStar Award of CCME based on her recent work reporting an interesting aggregation-induce polymerization concept which enabled the synthesis of protein-polydisulfide conjugates under mild conditions. This is her second ChemStar Award after she won the same award first in 2020, great job!

[Farewell] Dr. Wu Guangqi joined MIT as a postdoc

May 2022

This month, we say goodbye to beloved Guangqi, who finished his 7-year journey as a PhD student from 2015 to 2020 and then a postdoc from 2020 to 2022 in the Lu lab. Guangqi will join Dr. Coley's group at MIT as a postdoc soon. We thank him for his time, service, and legacy, and wish him all the best in his new adventure.

[PUBLICATIONS] Dr. Zhang Chong’s paper published in Chinese J. Polym. Sci.

Mar. 2022

In this work, we reviewed the state-of-the-art progresses of α-helical polypeptides for biomedical applications, with a special emphasis on the manipulation of helix-to-coil dynamic transition, conformation-associated anti-biofouling coatings, cellular uptake regulation, and reducing immunogenicity of polypeptide-protein conjugates. Well done, Zhang Chong!



[CONFERENCE] The Lu group in 2021 National Polymer Congress of China

September 2021            

Dr. Lu is a co-organizer of the Young Scholar Symposium and delivered an invited talk.

Dr. Wu, Dr. Xiong, and Dr. Tian each gave a poster.

Dr. Tian Ziyou received the RSC Polymer Chemistry Poster Prize

Ms. Lu Jianhua received the general Best Poster Prize.

Congratulations to all of them!

[Graduation] four group members graduated this summer

June. 2021

Dr. Hu Yali and Dr. Wang Hao, Class of 2016, successfully defended their PHD theses in May 30th and will join Jiangsu Hengrui Pharmaceuticals Co Ltd.

Wang Gan and Zhou Haisen,  Class of 2017, received their B.S. in chemistry. Gan will pursue his Ph.D. in NTU at Sigapore and Haisen will continue his PHD research in our group.

Hearty congratulations to all of them!