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林 坚




化员工物学 药理学,博士




1998 理学学士 永利集团 生命科学学院
2004 理学博士 军事医学科学院生物工程研究所
2004-2006 博士后,中科院微生物所
2004-2007 助理研究员 军事医学科学院生物工程研究所

2007- 助理研究员 永利集团北京核磁共振中心
2009- 副研究员 永利集团北京核磁共振中心
2012- 副研究员 永利集团合成与功能生物分子中心,77779193永利集团,博士生导师






在分子机制研究上,我们侧重在自噬(Autophagy)相关的研究。自噬指细胞内的一种自分解代谢过程,是细胞在饥饿、能量缺乏等代谢压力下的一种生理过程。自噬能够在细胞内有效的降解细胞内过多的、受损的、衰老的蛋白或细胞器,从而维持细胞内的动态平衡。自噬的异常与老年性痴呆、癌症等多种疾病的发病机制密切相关,是当前细胞生物学研究的热点之一。近5 年里,我们一直从事利用化学与细胞分子生物学相结合,特别是利用小分子化合物,研究有关细胞自噬的研究工作。 

          在癌症的转化医学研究上,下一步我们将研究新的抗癌小分子化合物对癌症干细胞(cancer stem cellCSC 的杀伤以及其放射增敏效果。






     我们合作开展新型生物材料包被的铁磁性纳米颗粒对癌细胞的磁共振成像及靶向杀伤的合作研究。主要负责生物材料(如靶向蛋白、肿瘤动物模型)的制备、生物分子生物学机制研究。我们参与合作了一种新的靶向HER2 的铁磁性纳米材料,该材料能够靶向HER2 阳性的肿瘤细胞,通过远红外光照射产生热疗效应,在裸鼠体内完全杀HER2 阳性的癌细胞。相关研究刚刚发表在Advanced materials 杂志上(Multifunctional Fe C Nanoparticles: A Targeted Theranostic Platform for Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Photoacoustic  Tomography‐Guided Photothermal Therapy)。下一步我们会进一步密切合作,研究新型纳米材料在癌症的靶向治疗以及磁共振成像(MRI)上的应用。



1. Zhong W, Zhu H, Sheng F, Tian Y, Zhou J, Lin J§ et al. Activation of the MAPK11/12/13/14 (p38 MAPK) pathway regulates the transcription of autophagy genes in response to oxidative stress induced by a novel copper complex in HeLa cells. Autophagy 2014;

2. Yu J, Yang C, Li J, Ding Y, Zhang L, Yousaf MZ, Lin J, et al. Multifunctional Fe C Nanoparticles: A Targeted Theranostic Platform for Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Photoacoustic Tomography‐Guided Photothermal Therapy. Advanced materials 2014; (on line) .

3. Meng L, Fang Z, Lin J, Li M, Zhu Z. Highly sensitive determination of copper in HeLa cell using capillary electrophoresis combined with a simple cell extraction treatment. Talanta 2014; 121:205‐9.

4. Yao H, Mi S, Gong W, Lin J, Xu N, Perrett S, et al. Anti‐apoptosis Proteins Mcl‐1 and Bcl‐xL Have Different p53‐Binding Profiles. Biochemistry 2013; 52:6324‐34.

5. Wang T, Zhu H, Zhuo J, Zhu Z, Papakonstantinou P, Lubarsky G, Lin J§, et al. Biosensor Based on Ultrasmall MoS Nanoparticles for Electrochemical Detection of HO Released by Cells at the Nanomolar Level. Analytical chemistry 2013.

6. Ouyang B, Wang L, Wan S, Luo Y, Lin J, Xia B. Solution structure of monomeric human FAM96A. Journal of biomolecular NMR 2013; 56:387‐92.

7. Zhou C, Zhou J, Sheng F, Zhu H, Deng X, Xia B, Lin J§. The heme oxygenase‐1 inhibitor ZnPPIX induces non‐canonical, Beclin 1‐independent, autophagy through p38 MAPK pathway. Acta biochimica et biophysica Sinica 2012; 44:815‐22.

8. Zhou C, Zhong W, Zhou J, Sheng F, Fang Z, Wei Y, Lin J§,et al. Monitoring autophagic flux by an improved tandem fluorescent‐tagged LC3 (mTagRFP‐mWasabi‐LC3) reveals that high‐dose rapamycin impairs autophagic flux in cancer cells. Autophagy 2012; 8:1215‐26.

9. Wang L, Yu W, Ren X, Lin J, Jin C, Xia B. 1H, 13C, and 15N resonance assignments of the N‐terminal domain of human TIG3. Biomolecular NMR assignments 2012; 6:201‐3.

10. Klionsky DJ, Abdalla FC, Abeliovich H, Abraham RT, Acevedo‐Arozena A, Adeli K, Lin J, et al. Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy. Autophagy 2012; 8:445‐544.

11. Jin Y, Chen C, Meng L, Chen J, Li M, Zhu Z, Lin J§. A CE‐LIF method to monitor autophagy by directly detecting LC3 proteins in HeLa cells. The Analyst 2012; 137:5571‐5.

12. Zhou J, Lin J, Zhou C, Deng X, Xia B. An improved bimolecular fluorescence complementation tool based on superfolder green fluorescent protein. Acta biochimica et biophysica Sinica 2011;343:239‐44.

13. Zhou J, Lin J, Zhou C, Deng X, Xia B. Cytotoxicity of red fluorescent protein DsRed is associated with the suppression of Bcl‐xL translation. FEBS letters 2011; 585:821‐7.

14. Lin J, Wang N, Li Y, Liu Z, Tian S, Zhao L, Lin J§, et al. LEC‐BiFC: a new method for rapid assay of protein interaction. Biotechnic & histochemistry : official publication of the Biological Stain Commission 2011; 86:272‐9.

15. Tian S, Lin J, Jun Zhou J, Wang X, Li Y, Ren X, Lin J§, et al. Beclin 1‐independent autophagy induced by a Bcl‐XL/Bcl‐2 targeting compound, Z18. Autophagy 2010; 6:1032‐41.

16. Ren X, Lin J, Jin C, Xia B. 1H, 13C and 15N resonance assignments of human H‐REV107 N‐terminal domain. Biomolecular NMR assignments 2010; 4:175‐8.

17. Ren X, Lin J§, Jin C, Xia B. Solution structure of the N‐terminal catalytic domain of human H‐REV107‐‐a novel circular permutated NlpC/P60 domain. FEBS letters 2010; 584:4222‐6.

18. Zhang B, Bai YX, Ma HH, Feng F, Jin R, Wang ZL, Lin J, et al. Silencing PinX1 compromises telomere length maintenance as well as tumorigenicity in telomerase‐positive human cancer cells. Cancer research 2009; 69:75‐83.

19. Yu W, Lin J§, Jin C, Xia B. Solution structure of human zeta‐COP: direct evidences for structural similarity between COP I and clathrin‐adaptor coats. Journal of molecular biology 2009; 386:903‐12.

20. Lin J, Zheng Z, Li Y, Yu W, Zhong W, Tian S, et al. A novel Bcl‐XL inhibitor Z36 that induces autophagic cell death in Hela cells. Autophagy 2009; 5:314‐20.

21. Lin J, Jin R, Zhang B, Chen H, Bai YX, Yang PX, et al. Nucleolar localization of TERT is unrelated to telomerase function in human cells. Journal of cell science 2008; 121:2169‐76.

22. Lin J, Jin R, Zhang B, Yang PX, Chen H, Bai YX, et al. Characterization of a novel effect of hPinX1 on hTERT nucleolar localization. Biochemical and biophysical research communications 2007; 353:946‐52.

 § 通讯作者,*第一作者)

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