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陈 鹏



特聘研究员,博士生导师, 化员工物学



2002 理学学士 77779193永利集团
2003 理学硕士 美国芝加哥大学 化学系
2007 理学博士 美国芝加哥大学 化学系
2007-2009 博士后,美国Scripps 研究所; 诺华制药美国圣迭戈研发中心(GNF)
2009- 研究员,博士生导师,77779193永利集团
2011- 研究员,永利集团合成与功能生物分子中心











3. Li J, Yu J, Zhao J , Wang J, Zheng S, Lin S, Chen L, Yang M, Jia S, Zhang X and Chen P*. “Palladium-triggered Deprotection Chemistry for Protein Activation in Living Cells”, Nat. Chem. (2014), in print.

2. Hao Z, Lou H, Zhu R, Zhu J, Zhang D, Zhao B, Zeng S, Chen X, Chan J, He C* and Chen P*. “The multiple antibiotic resistance regulator MarR is a copper sensor in Escherichia coli”, Nat. Chem. Biol. (2014), 10, 21-8.

1. Fan Y, Zhao J, Yan Q, Chen P* and Zhao D*. “A Water-soluble Triscyclometalated Organoiridium Complex: Phosphorescent Nanoparticle Formation, Nonlinear Optics, and Application for Cell Imaging”,ACS Appl Mat. Inter. (2014) Epub ahead of print


7. Lin S, Yan H, Li L, Yang M, Peng B, Chen S, Li W* and Chen P*, “Site-specific Engineering of Chemical Functionalities on the Surface of Live Hepatitis D Virus”, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. (2013),52, 13970-4.

6. Li J, Lin S, Wang J, Jia S, Yang M, Zhang X, Hao Z and Chen P* “Ligand-free Palladium-mediated Site-specific Protein Labeling inside Gram-negative Bacterial Pathogens”,J. Am. Chem. Soc. (2013) 135, 7330-8.

5. Zhao J, Lin S, Huang Y, Zhao J*, Chen P*. Mechanism-Based Design of a Photoactivatable Firefly Luciferase”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. (2013), 135, 7410-3

4. Ge X, Wang R, Ma J, Liu Y, Ezemaduka AN, Chen P, Fu X*, and Chang Z*. “DegP primarily functions as a protease for the biogenesis of β-barrel outer membrane proteins in the Gram-negative bacterium Escherichia coli”, FEBS J. (2013) doi: 10.1111/febs.12701.

3. Chang H, Han M, Huang W, Wei G, Chen J, Chen P, Chen R, Zhang J, Xu T* and Xu P*. “Light-induced protein translocation by genetically encoded unnatural amino acid in Caenorhabditis elegans”, Protein Cell. (2013),4,883-6

2. Zhao BS, Zhang G, Zeng S, He C, and Chen P*. “Probing subcellular organic hydroperoxide formation via a genetically encoded ratiometric and reversible fluorescent indicator.”, Integr. Biol (2013), 5,1485-9.

1. Liu, J.; Karpus, J.;Wegner, S.; Chen P* and He C*. “Genetically Encoded Copper(I) Reporters with Improved Responses for Use in Imaging”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. (2013), 135:3144-3149.


9. Yang, M.; Song, Y.; Zhang, M.; Lin, S.; Hao, Z.; Liang,Y.; Zhang, D. and Chen, P*.“Converting a solvatochromic fluorophore into a protein-based pH indicator for extreme acidity”, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. (2012) 51, 7674-9.

8. Li, Y.; Yang, M.; Huang, Y.; Song, X.; Liu, L* and Chen, P*. “Genetically encoded alkenyl-pyrrolysine analogues for thiol-ene reaction mediated site-specific protein labeling”, Chem. Sci. (2012), 3, 2766-2770.

7. Li, J. and Chen, P*. "Moving Pd-mediated Protein Cross-coupling to Living Systems", ChemBioChem. (2012), 13, 1728-31.

6. Wang J, Karpus J, Zhao BS, Luo Z, Chen P and He C*. “A selective fluorescent probe for carbon monoxide imaging in living cells.” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. (2012), 51, 9652-6.

5. Li, Y.; Yang, M.; Huang,Y.; Li, Y.; Chen, P*. and Liu, L*. “Ligation of Expressed Protein α-Hydrazides via Genetic Incorporation of an α-Hydroxy Acid.” ,ACS Chem. Biol. (2012), 7, 1015-1022.

4. Wei, W.; Zhu, T.;Wang, Y.; Yang, H.; Hao, Z.; Chen, P*. and Zhao, J*. “Engineering a gold-specific regulon for cell-basedvisual detection and recovery of gold”, Chem. Sci. (2012), 3, 1780-1784.

3. Liu, J.; Zhang, M. and Chen, P*. “Probing pH Mediated protein-protein interactions via photocrosslinking”, SCIENTIA SINICA Chimica. (2012) 42, 1694-1699.

2. Li, J.; Wang, J. and Chen, P*. “Unnatural amino acid mediated Protein Bioorthogonal Labeling” ,ACTA CHIMICA SINICA (2012),70, 1439-1445.

1. Chen, X.; Hao, Z.and Chen, P*. “Protein photocrosslinking reveals dimer of dimers formation on MarR protein in Escherichia coli”, SCIENCE CHINA Chemistry (2012). 42, 223-225.


5. Lin, S.; Zhang, Z.; Xu, H.; Li, L.; Chen, S.; Li, J.; Hao,Z.; Chen, P*. “Site-specific incorporation of photocrosslinker and bioorthogonal amino acids into enteric bacterial pathogens”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. (2011), 133, 20581-7.

4. Zhang M, Lin S, Song X, Liu J, Fu Y, Fu X, Chang Z*, and Chen, P*. “A genetically incorporated crosslinker reveals chaperone cooperation in acid resistance”, Nat. Chem. Biol. (2011), 7, 671-7. [This work is a “News Coverage” on Chem. & Eng. News. Sep 7, 2011,and has been highlighted by Nature Asia-Pacific on Sep 5, 2011 ]

3. Hao Z., Hong S., Chen X* and Chen, P*. “Introducing Bioorthogonal Functionalities into Proteins in Living Cells”, Acc. Chem. Res. (2011), 44, 742-51.

2. Hao, Z.; Song, Y.; Lin, S.; Yang, M.; Liang, Y.; Wang, J.; Chen, P*. “A readily synthesized cyclic pyrrolysine analogue for site-specific protein ‘click’ labeling”.Chem Commun (Camb) (2011). 47, 4502-4504.

1. Chen, P*.; Brugarolas P; and He, C*. “Redox Signaling in Human Pathogens”,Antioxid Redox. Signal. (2011), 14(6), 1107-18.


Zhao, B.; Liang, Y.; Song, Y.; Zheng, C.; Hao, Z. and Chen, P*. “A Highly Selective Fluorescent Probe for Visualization of Organic Hydroperoxides in Living Cells”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. (2010). 132, 17065-7. 

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