Chem. Res. Chin. Univ. (invited) | FRET-LPTEM for in-situ Imaging of Chemical Systems
ACS Nano (invited) | Graphene Assisted Electron-based Imaging of Individual Organic and Biological Macromolecules: Structure and Transient Dynamics
Anal. Chem. | Electrochemical Behaviors of Ultramicro Triangular Pipettes
JACS Au (invited)| Chemical reactions on a single linear chain show cooperativity
Cell|m6A-modified cenRNA stabilizes CENPA to ensure centromere integrity in cancer cells
Biophys. Rev. | Capturing the illusive ring-shaped intermediates in Aβ42 amyloid formation
PNAS | Nanopipette Dynamic Microscopy Unveils Nano Coffee Ring
Trends Chem. (invited) (Cover article) | lmaging Biomacromolecules in Action with Liquid-Phase Electron Microscopy
J. Chem. Phys. | The performance of OPC and OPC3 water models in predictions of 2D structures under nanoconfinement
J. Phys. Chem. B (Cover article)|Modes of Nanodroplet Formation and Growth on an Ultrathin Water Film
Chin. J. Chem. (Cover article) | Comparison of Measurements for Enhanced Diffusion Problem in Chemical Reaction Systems
PNAS | The ergodicity question when imaging DNA conformation using liquid cell electron microscopy
Acta Polymerica Sinica (invited) | Liquid-phase electron microscopy imaging of polymer dynamics
Proc. ICCV|Recovering a Molecule's 3D Dynamics from Liquid-phase Electron Microscopy Movies
Nat. Commun.|Visualizing the multi-level assembly structures of conjugated molecular systems with chain-length dependent behavior
Chem. Commun.|Deep Learning-assisted Analysis of Single Molecule Dynamics from Liquid-phase Electron Microscopy
Chin. J. Chem. (invited)|Single Molecule Imaging with Liquid Phase Electron Microscopy
ACS Nano|Experimental Guidelines to Image Transient Single-Molecule Events Using Graphene Liquid Cell Electron Microscopy
JACS|Room-Temperature Grafting from Synthesis of Protein–Polydisulfide Conjugates via Aggregation-Induced Polymerization
Micosc. Microanal.|Imaging Individual Molecules Using Liquid-phase TEM-Surprises and Research Opportunities
ACS Nano|Molecules, the Ultimate Nanomotor: Linking Chemical Reaction Intermediates to their Molecular Diffusivity
ChemRxiv | Linking Chemical Reaction Intermediates of the Click Reaction to Their Molecular Diffusivity
J. Phys. Chem. Lett.|Using NMR to Test Molecular Mobility during a Chemical Reaction
Science|Boosted Molecular Mobility during Common Chemical Reactions
MedRxiv|Infrared Assessment of Human Facial Temperature in the Presence and Absence of Common Cosmetics
PNAS|Intermediate States of Molecular Self-Assembly from Liquid-Cell Electron Microscopy
Langmuir|Direct Nanoscopic Measurement of Laminar Slip Flow Penetration of Deformable Polymer Brushes: Synergistic Effect of Grafting Density and Solvent Quality
ACS Nano|Longer-Lasting Electron-Based Microscopy of Single Molecules in Aqueous Medium
Adv. Mater.|Liquid-Cell Electron Microscopy of Adsorbed Polymers
Langmuir|Effect of Solvent Quality on Laminar Slip Flow Penetration of Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) Films with an Exploration of Mass Transport Mechanism
Anal. Chem.|Flow Field Penetration in Thin Nanoporous Polymer Films under Laminar Flow by Förster Resonance Energy Transfer Coupled with Total Internal Reflectance Fluorescence Microscopy