Congratulations to Zhengqi Chai, Yibo Liang, Jinxiao Yang, and Zibin Ma for Graduation!

      Graduate student Zhengqi Chai, and undergraduate students , have successfully completed all the requirements for their doctoral and bachelor's degrees. They have been officially awarded their degrees after the approval of the Peking University Degree Evaluation Committee. All the members of our lab warmly congratulate them!

      On June 30, all the members of Zhang's and Xi's labs took group photos with the graduates. In the evening, a farewell party was held for the graduates. Prof. Xi and Prof. Zhang gave speeches, thanking the graduates for their contributions to the labs and expressing hope for their future breakthroughs in research and work. The graduates and postdoctoral fellows who are about to leave shared their research and life experiences in the two labs, thanked the three professors for their guidance, and appreciated the help from all lab members. They wished the two labs more outstanding research achievements and hoped the junior students will have successful research.

      We wishe Dr. Zhengqi ChaiYibo Liang, Jinxiao Yang, and Zibin Ma all the best in their future research and work, and hope they achieve more great results!