首页» 招聘信息» 永利集团合成与功能生物分子中心面向海内外诚聘Tenure-track学术带头人 Tenure-Track Assistant Professor at The Synthetic and Functional Biomolecules Center (SFBC), Peking University.

永利集团合成与功能生物分子中心面向海内外诚聘Tenure-track学术带头人 Tenure-Track Assistant Professor at The Synthetic and Functional Biomolecules Center (SFBC), Peking University.


永利集团合成与功能生物分子中心(Synthetic and Functional Biomolecules Center, SFBC)是永利集团于2011年依托77779193永利集团成立的一个跨学科交叉研究中心。中心以建设世界一流的化学与生命科学前沿交叉研究机构为目标,通过化学与生物学、医学的交叉融合,为生命科学的探索提供新的技术和研究策略,并致力于开展人类重大疾病的基础研究。中心现有课题组7个,研究人员10名,研究内容覆盖生物大分子、化学小分子和动物、植物及微生物等对象和体系。未来几年,中心拟优先发展以下四个研究方向:


1. 蛋白质定向进化;

2. 新一代生物治疗技术及靶向递送;

3. 免疫化员工物学;

4. 面向生物学机制发现的化员工物学工具开发









1)个人应聘申请/Cover Letter


3)教学、研究陈述/Teaching and Research Statement

4)学术工作计划/Research Proposal

5)不少于3封推荐信/Recommendation Letters

6)代表性学术成果/Representative academic achievements


请将以上申请材料电子版发至:孙老师 sfbc@pku.edu.cn




The Synthetic and Functional Biomolecules Center (SFBC) at Peking University (PKU)founded in August 2011 and based on College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, is an interdisciplinary institute at Peking University to promote collaborative researches at the interface of chemistry and life sciences. We aim to build a world-class interdisciplinary research institute in chemistry and life sciences, providing new technologies and research strategies for the exploration of life sciences through the cross-integration of chemistry, biology and medicine, to the fundamental researches of major human diseases. Currently there are 7 research groups and 10 scientists. Their research areas have covered: biomolecules, small chemical molecules, animals, plants, microorganisms and other research systems. In the next few years, we intend to give priority to the following four research directions:


1. Directed protein evolution

2. New generation of biotherapy technology and targeted delivery

3. Immune chemical biology

4. Chemical tools-enabled biological discovery


We are seeking for applicants for faculty positions at all ranks at the interface of chemistry and biology, broadly defined. Candidates with research interests in chemical biology, biotechnology and related interdisciplinary fields are especially encouraged to apply. We seek candidates with Ph. D. degrees who have demonstrated excellence, originality and productivity in research. We look forward to the participation of young talents world-widely to lead the development of international chemistry frontier discipline and improve the level of human health jointly.


We offer an internationally competitive start-up package. Peking University provides excellent interdisciplinary research environment and outstanding core research facilities.


Applications should include

1. Cover Letter

2. Curriculum Vitae

3. Teaching Statement

4. Two or More Research Proposals (within 3 pages)

5. Representative academic achievements

6. Three Reference Letters


Please submit all the materials as a combined PDF file via email to:



Website: /sfbc


